Q1: What are the requirements to participate in the Seed Round of the Pre-Sale?

A1: Participation in the Seed Round requires meeting specific criteria, which may include being an accredited investor, early supporter, or part of our community whitelist. These requirements ensure a fair and strategic distribution of tokens in the initial phase. Stay tuned to our social media channels and website for detailed criteria and application procedures.

Q2: Will the later rounds of the sale be open to all interested parties?

A2: Yes, after the Seed Round, the subsequent sale rounds will be open to the general public. We believe in inclusivity and want to offer our broader community the opportunity to participate. Details about each round, including dates and participation instructions, will be announced on our social media platforms and our official website.

Q3: How can I stay informed about the Pre-Sale and other important announcements?

A3: The best way to stay updated is by following our social media channels and regularly checking our website. We recommend signing up for our newsletter, if available, and joining our community on platforms like Telegram or Discord for real-time updates and community discussions.

Q4: Is the Determinant App (DAPP) ready for use?

A4: Yes, the DAPP is fully operational. The smart contracts of the application have been thoroughly tested and are ready for use. In the farming section of the DAPP, you can lock your tokens and start earning rewards based on the type of token you've staked.

Q5: When will $DTH rewards be distributed, and why is there a delay?

A5: $DTH rewards will be distributed following our listings on Centralized Exchanges (CEX) and Decentralized Exchanges (DEX). This strategic decision is made for security reasons and to ensure a stable and fair distribution of rewards. We prioritize the safety and interests of our community and believe this approach aligns with our long-term vision for the project.

Q6: Are there any risks involved in participating in the Pre-Sale or using the DAPP?

A6: As with any investment in the crypto space, there are inherent risks. However, we've taken rigorous measures to mitigate these risks, including comprehensive smart contract audits and a robust security protocol. We encourage participants to do their own research, understand the risks, and invest responsibly.

Last updated